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15 Best Practices for Website Performance Optimization

Websites are crucial for businesses because they shape customers' perceptions of your services, commodities, and brand, either favorably or unfavorably.

Furthermore, websites are browsed even when actual purchases may be performed in stores, as is common knowledge. A website should thus be simple to use, intuitive, and easy to browse.

The best reseller web hosting in the UK, or web hosting from a renowned company lets you launch a brand-new company website without a sizable financial commitment. But, if your website isn’t optimized for the best performance, all would be lost.

Effective Tips for Website Speed Optimization | by Strikingly | Medium

Overview of Web Performance Optimization

Website performance optimization is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a website's functionality and speed since it is sometimes overlooked while we are busy concentrating on the major things, such as design, content, and digital marketing.

Speed should always be a top focus for website administrators since it is actually essential to maintaining a successful website.  Improved user interaction, increased conversion rates, improved SEO rankings, and many other advantages come with websites that have a fast page load speed.

There is a lot of labor involved, and today we'll discuss important procedures, resources, and advice for web speed improvement methods!

If you offer reseller hosting in the UK and have clients who often complaint about slow web speed, try sharing these tips with them as well!

16 Website Performance Optimization Practices

1. Compression of Files

Coding languages like HTML and JavaScript are used to create websites.

Code files for web pages and subsequently their load times rise in complexity as a result. In order to increase the responsiveness of a website, file compression can reduce code files by as much as 80%.

Images are low-hanging fruit for file reduction, according to Darshan Somashekar, the creator of Spider Solitaire Challenge.

He also tells that there are various solutions available that help optimize your website's performance and decrease the size of your images. For instance, by lowering the picture sizes of our digital playing cards, we significantly speeded up our spider solitaire games.

You can share this tip with your clients as well if you sell reseller hosting in UK.

2. Fewer HTTP Requests

In general, your web page will load more slowly the more HTTP queries it performs. Only a set number of connections may be made by a browser to one host at once.

By consolidating smaller assets, such as photos, into a single file, resource consolidation reduces the number of distinct page elements, preventing bottlenecks. This lowers the number of HTTP requests and round trips necessary to load a webpage.

It turns out that the most crucial optimization method with the highest impact is making fewer HTTP queries.

Choose this optimization work if you have limited time and can only finish one.

3. Code Minification

Code minification makes a distinction between the code written by web developers and differences in how network elements understand code.

In order to reduce the amount of code, minification eliminates comments, superfluous spaces, and crunches variable names.

4. Web Caching Optimization

Optimizing web caching lowers latency, bandwidth use, and server burden.

For the purpose of storing copies of the pages that flow through their system, CDNs utilize specialized web caching software. It's essential to utilize the browser cache.

Maximum age of 7 days is advised in such circumstances. As a result, the process moves forward more quickly.

5. Swapping Out Vector Graphics

Replacing vector graphics with raster visuals that don't depend on the resolution. Simple geometric pictures are best suited for raster substitution.

6. Lossy Compression

On many high-resolution photographs, lossy compression algorithms, like those used with audio files, eliminate unnecessary header information and reduce the original image quality.

These adjustments, such as pixel complexity or color gradations, are undetectable to the end user and have no discernible impact on how the image is displayed.

7. 301 Redirects

Redirects undermine performance. Always try to stay away from them.

The time it takes to load the initial HTML document before the browser even begins to load other files quickly increases due to the additional round-trip durations that a redirect will produce.

Numerous people who run a reseller hosting business in UK often recommend this to their customers for improving website speed and performance.

8. Image Enhancement

If the original photographs are too large to upload to your website, you may use programs like TinyPNG,, JPEGmini, etc. to shrink the picture while maintaining the quality that is essentially the same.

9. Reconnect and Prefetch

A smart way to resolve domain names before a user clicks a link is using domain name prefetching. Try this and you’d notice an immense change in the speed of your website.

10. Take Up Cloud-Based Website Monitoring

The affordability, scalability, efficiency, and other benefits of shifting your website monitoring to a cloud-based server are just a few.

Cloud based website monitoring actually helps improve the overall performance of your website, making it fast and efficient.

11. Web Font Efficiency

Web fonts have the drawback of making additional HTTP connections to other resources, like Google Fonts.

Blocking is also shown for web fonts. Keep character sets to a minimum, pick only the styles you require, prioritize based on the browser support, etc.

12. SSL Certification and HTTPS

Necessary, there is no doubt! The truth is that Google penalizes websites without it. Also, if your website does not have an SSL certificate, there are chances that it may not open for a majority of your users since Google would show the not “Not Secure” error.

13. Infrastructure

A quick web host like getting the best reseller hosting in the UK is crucial since it forms the foundation of your website, making it just as crucial as any website performance improvement you could use.

Never use a low-cost shared hosting service. If you can’t find an affordable web hosting plan other than shared hosting from a renown company, try looking for good services from a reseller web hosting in the UK. Resellers often sell services of renown companies at a lower price rate, which makes them a good yet cheaper option.

14. Safeguarding Hotlinks

In order to stop others from embedding your assets on other websites, you can block HTTP referrers with hotlink protection.

By preventing other websites from seeing your photographs, hotlink prevention will save you bandwidth.

Or, simply get a web hosting plan that offers unlimited bandwidth!

15. Optimization of Databases

There is always room for improvement. You can optimize databases by purging outdated and unneeded data.

In addition to this, you can also build indexes for a quick access to your website.

Lastly, remember that the way your website performs and the user experience that your customers get has a direct impact on your brand image and sales. So, make sure you invest the best in your website!

10 Oct 2022